
Friday, March 1, 2013

Change Isn't Easy

Today is day 17 of my 40 day juice fast. I haven't been able to share the information I wanted due to technical difficulties BUT I am going to fill my blog up with all the information I can today. For now, here are some thoughts from today (I'll share a confession post later this afternoon):

If you are seeking to live a healthier lifestyle, perhaps in unconventional or seemingly "trendy" ways, do not get discouraged when friends/coworkers and loved ones don't always provide you with the encouragement you need. Especially if they're close minded to new ideas/habits. 

Continue to do what you know/are learning to do. Don't give up or consider yourself a failure if you eat a meal of veggies when you're juicing or eat meat while attempting to eat vegetarian/vegan. 

When it comes to living a better life and being a better you, do what it takes and continue to be an example for those who have yet to find the strength you're gaining!

I've had a terrible tension headache all day. I'm stressed, frustrated and want junkfood. I want cupcakes, something fried and some bread. 

I don't want these foods because I'm actually hungry for such foods but because out of habit, these are the things I allow myself to eat for "comfort" when such feelings come upon me.

INSTEAD I am standing fast and will remain disciplined. When I crave something sweet, rich and comforting, sweet potato and apple juice with ginger has been my go to. 

I'm learning that the key to replacing bad habits is to find good habits that triggers the same feel good emotions. This takes a conscious effort on our part as change begins first in the MIND. When we find ourselves discouraged or down in the dumps because of stress, laying around sulking or pigging out on our favorite junkfood is not conducive to permanent change. 

To BE the change you want to see you have to DO the things that need to be changed! (Wow! What a concept!)


1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Steadfastness is certainly not for the faint of heart. I haven't eaten meat for 20 years and still get questions about when I might be returning to the carnivore fold. Uh, no. It's been 20 years. This isn't an intervention. Relax.

Sticking to your principles can be difficult but your body (and spirit) will thank you for those principles. You're an inspiration. Thank you.