I initially chose to do a full juice fast, cutting out all solid foods, in an attempt to give my digestive tract a rest and to take the time to pay attention to my body and take note of how different foods effected my body. For example, I am the type of person who suffers from sinus issues year round. Every. Single. Morning. I'm hacking up phlegm and fighting post nasal drip for the first two hours of my day. On the fifth morning of my juice fast, I noticed that there was no phlegm in my head or chest. Even after getting out of the shower, when everything really gets to moving, I experienced no drainage whatsoever.
Now that I've began adding meat and other foods back to my diet, I've found that I'm back in the throngs of my sinus struggle. Now, to just take note of what exactly is causing the problem (I haven't had any dairy or soy so, that's not it although I know that dairy products are a leading culprit in such reactions).
Moving on...
I had taken a video answering all the questions I've been receiving about my juicing experience but, my technology life is a struggle so...
Here you go! Feel free to post more questions here in the comment section and I'll do my best to answer them or find you the answers you need!
Why juice? Why not just eat the vegetables/fruit?
Think of all the nutrients you'd get eating three pounds of fruit and vegetables. You can't imagine eating that much green stuff in one sitting, right? (I know I couldn't) Now, imagine getting those same nutrients by drinking 16-24 ounces of juice created from the same three pounds of produce! It WORKS!
Are you hungry or tired while you juice?
Not at all! I was amazingly energetic and was never hungry! I would generally have 16-32oz of juice in the mornings, 16oz for lunch and another 16oz as a snack in the late afternoon and maybe 16oz for dinner. Normally by the time I got home in the evenings, I wasn't hungry!
In addition to the juice, I would drink hot Yogi's Ginger or Healthy Fasting Tea. I also keep a 20oz bottle with me for consuming water regularly. I maintained a tally of how many bottles I drank throughout the day drinking no less than six 20oz bottles (1 gallon).
Can you workout while you're doing a juice fast?
You can workout while juicing but be certain you're listening to your body (especially women during your cycles). ***Remember***DRINK PLENTY OF WATER***
What type of juicer do you use?
I use the Breville Fountain Compact. It's 700watts and although it's not the "best" juicer out there, it's a great tool for people who are just starting out juicing. It's relatively easy on the pockets, sturdy and it gets the job done without *too much* waste!
I don't have time to juice. Cleaning up is so time consuming.
Tell yourself what you want. :-) The truth is, we make time for the things we want to make time for. I also chose this type of fast to exercise greater discipline when it came to actually taking the time to prepare each "meal" and clean up. This meant getting up a little earlier in the morning and/or staying up a little late at night.
I found that it took me all of 3-6 minutes to clean up after I finished juicing. Juicing itself takes another 5-10 minutes depending on how much I'm juicing.
During the weeks that I knew I had a full schedule, I was able to juice enough 16oz Mason jars to last me for two days. From what I've read, you do not want to keep your fresh juice longer than 48 hours as to not waste any. Even in tightly sealed Mason Jars (available anywhere from Walmart to Target and even Big Lots) shouldn't hold juice for longer than 48 hours.
What if I'm not ready to do a total juice fast?
No problemo! Maybe "detoxing" or fasting isn't for you right now. That's just fine. The key is that you begin to include more nutrients in your daily dietary intake. So, instead of eating a late dinner when you get home from a long day, replace that meal with some fresh juice! Or instead of a soda, tea or processed juice with a meal, replace it with fresh juice!!!
The idea is that you replace "bad" food with good food. You'll eventually find that you won't even crave the same foods/drinks after juicing for a week or so! (I promise!)
How do I get started?
1) Purchase a juicer. The one I mentioned above is only $99 and you may be able to find it on Amazon or Ebay for even less. If you're unable to purchase a a juicer, perhaps start with a blender and go from there. The consistency will be different (of course) and hard to swallow (pun intended) but you're still on the right track.
2) Dive into information from people who have experience in juicing! I follow @straightjuicin on Twitter and FB. They are always doing "challenges" and giving tips for better juicing!
Check out the following documentaries (available on Netflix) for more insight and actual medical expertise! *whispers* Start with 'Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead' which gives a first hand account of someone who changed their entire life through juicing!
Juicing (and eating healthy) is too expensive!
Consider this: In one week I spent about $90 on only fresh produce. Is eating healthy expensive? It can be. But think of all the other things we spend our money on frivolously. Also, I've had to consider, do I want to spend more money now on healthier foods or later on the cost of healthcare. For our own sake we MUST start thinking long-term!
It's nothing for us to spend $35 on pizzas and sodas for a night or $70+ for dinner for two on any given night. This $70 of produce will last me for at least the next week. It's really all about prioritizing. Eat to live! Don't live to eat! ;-)
What are some of your favorite recipes?
OOOOKAY! This is the good stuff! Check out these FREE eBooks from Breville!
+Ras Idric Durden put me on to:
+Ras Idric Durden put me on to:
- sweet potato juice
- (Fuji) apples
- Ginger
- THIS is my go-to when I'm suffering from a sweet tooth! It's so rich and wonderful...YUM! He actually adds pineapple as well but I have yet to do so.
Post workout:
- Swiss Chard
- Cucumber
- Granny Smith apples
- Lime
Citrus Blend:
- Grapefruit
- Orange
- Lime
Beet Treat (Yes, I named it! Lol)
- 1 Beet (I don't measure much of anything. Even when I cook, but I can tell you that you won't want more than one beet. Ha! Quite a strong, earthy taste.)
- Carrots
- Fuji apple
- Ginger (If I'm feeling fancy)
Hydrating Juice:
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Granny Smith
- Kale (or spinach...or chard...any green will do! *wink*)
I think that's it! For now!